027 - NatSci News Rewind - September 2021

027 - NatSci News Rewind - September 2021

Show notes

In the twenty seventh episode of NatSci News Rewind, we take a look back at the news from September 2021. (Length: 4:47)

Stories covered include:

  • What does groundwater have to do with lake algal blooms?
  • Making sense of life: Genes, environment and evolution
  • Cutting-edge SHERLOCK app will make fish sleuthing a snap
  • How do crops cope with stress?
  • MSU Ph.D. student receives fellowship to support biodiversity research in Central Africa
  • Into the microbiome: Exploring the ecology of microbial communities
  • New statistical model throws weight behind sustainable farming practices
  • MSU's Frances Trail lands two prestigious honors in her field

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